Always the sun…

5 Responses to SUN RECORDER

  • Dario says:

    It ‘an exceptional device. A great work from the minds of Alan and Ole.

  • Geoff Preece says:

    Will the “Sun Recorder” be going into production, I would be your first customer, great piece of kit.

  • Alan Blake says:

    We now have a B-L Sunrecorder running a trial at a UK Met Office site to compare our results with the professional data. After the month long trial we should be able to publish the joint results.

  • Alan Blake says:

    You may notice that in the history sections of SR Around the world that there are several ‘No Recording’ entries on my record in Cornwall UK and on Ole’s record in Denmark. Not due to failures but Ole and I quite often install improvements to test during which time the recorders are not up and running.

  • I’ve had the B-L sunrecorder installed since end of May and have recoded some bright sunshine every day since then, even with my computer being down for most of one day. Month of June was just under Environment Canada’s 30 year climate normals and July recording was a bit higher. The SR is clearly recording the periods when sun is shining and when it is covered by clouds or overcast, and in mere seconds interval when conditions change. Well done Alan and Ole

    249.3 hours sunshine recorded in last 30 days. Will some one improve on this?.

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